Losing Your Faith, Finding Your Soul –launches today!
After years in the making, my new book is published today.
It’s all about finding new life . . . after your old life has failed. That is the paradoxical promise of God. And once it dawns on us that this divine gift is reserved only for people who’ve somehow managed to lose their lives, it’s just plain comical! Imagine–my mistakes become my bona fides, my failures become my glory.
That hope sings–I pray–though every page.
Sounds like it segways nicely with Jonathan’s sermon on the lost sheep. I could never understand why a Shephard would leave a well-groomed flock to save the one that had strayed…until I became that one!
Amazon says it’s on it’s way! Can’t wait to read it. Congrats David
Yippee!! I know a lot of people who are going to be happy to read this book — and I’m ordering for Christmas presents, too. Can’t wait to read it David and congratulations.
Thanks, Susie–
We have walked with you, through these many years, while this book was in creation I ordered it from
amazon and it will be on my Kindle today, but I left it in one of my Doc’s offices so will have to wait a bit longer to pick it up Congratulations clark
I just know there is a lot in there for me to read! Cannot wait to start the book! Ginny
Congratulations, David!! I pre ordered from Amazon and it arrived on Tuesday. I have only had time to read the first chapter and am loving it. House guests arriving so I will have to be patient until later. I am so happy for you. Hurrah! XX
Thank you for writing this book –
I believe a book for ages to come has been granted to us. With profound encouragement, it discloses the Kingdom of God and invites our true self to emerge and experience God’s best for us.
Thank you