The Loving Father
has decided he wants joy more than he wants order or a clean accounting of things.
When the prodigal comes home from his bender, having wasted his early inheritance, the father throws a party. That doesn’t make sense to most of us parents, and it sure didn’t seem right to the elder brother. Why, he asks his father, would you reward bad behavior? The father can’t answer that question. All he can do is invite the older boy to party, to enjoy some fatted calf, to dance until his head drops into his heart.
This father had given all those Dad speeches. He’d laid down the law and taught his kids the difference between right and wrong. They knew the consequences. They’d both been grounded, had their allowance suspended, lost their licenses, even spent a night in jail when a much younger father did the right thing and declined to put up bail. And now the older son is throwing it back in the old man’s face. You’re the one who taught me this. I’m only telling you what you always told me and him!
Richard Rohr, the Franciscan spiritual writer, often says that every time God forgives us, it is as if God says, ‘Well, I know I said that—I know I made that rule—but if enforcing that rule means losing you…let’s just let it go.’
The father has decided for joy, the kind that throws a party for a wastrel kid who made some bad choices, some of which he’d made himself back in the day. He knew he could either hold onto his principles or hold onto his son. And at his age, knowing what he now knows, that’s an easy choice.
Stories of Turning
Week One
Stories of Wild Places
Week Two
Stories of Dogged Faith
Week Three
Stories of Mercy & Forgiveness
Week Four
Stories of Simplicity & Joy
Week Five
Stories of Prayer & Surrender
Week Six
Stories of Transforming Love
David, a wonderfully distilled example of choosing joy and relationship over following your own rules. Similar to choosing to be in a strong relationship, over being right. Praying to have the wisdom to know when to choose joy and the relationships. Great way to start the day!
So very true.
You’ve been wise, learning this over the years, and sharing it with me and others. Thank you.
Good reminder—we can be strong in relationship or we can we right. Thanks
Wow I love this interpretation! Holding onto his principles or holding onto his son, amazing.
Richard Rohr big in the AA sphere, love that guy.
Rohr wrote that great book, “Breathing Under Water,” all about the spiritual foundation of the Twelve Step program. Many of my AA friends often quote it.
This dad reminds me of my dad. He responded to all my prodigality with, sometimes outright love, sometimes simple restraint, but never with anger or contempt.
You’re a lucky guy. (So am I!)
This story is about love! You may be disappointed in what a family member does, but you still love the person! You don’t want to lose that person so you show you still love them and with that love comes hope that things can get better! Knowing that you are loved can change your ways and lighten your path. If God can love us no matter how far we stray, surely we can show compassion to our loved ones and perhaps find reasons to dance!
So true about family, Susie. Thanks!