Star of Bethlehem

Matthew 2:1-12
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.”
Stars are everywhere at Christmas—they top our trees and stud the skies of nearly every holiday card. It all began with the visit of the Magi, royal astrologers from Babylon, who showed up in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
As people who hardly know how to find the Big Dipper, we are fascinated with these ancient astrologers who know every star in the night sky and find in them a clear message, a direction so strong they pack their bags, leave their homes, and strike out on pilgrimage. They saw a sign, and it turned out to be God’s direction. They followed.
There are billions of stars of course. How would we ever know which one to follow? Our whole culture is shaped by “stars” of sports, business, music and movies—but these are often exploding stars. Not a star to follow.
If we want to know which star is ours to follow, here may be a clue: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” What do you long for? What prospect brings you joy—exceeding joy? All of us harbor big hopes and dreams in our hearts, some so rare we dare not even mention them to anyone. Pay attention to your yearnings: they are often the place where your heart beats within the heart of God. Trust the star that triggers your joy. Follow that one.
Prayer: Lord of all joy, so often we are afraid of our deepest longings—they are too big for this little world; let us trust them, strike out in search of them, knowing they will lead us finally into your presence. Amen.
My North Star consists simply of TRYING to do the next right thing.
That sounds simple–but it’s a God-sized challenge for every day of our lives.