Finding Your Soul by David Anderson
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Look for Substack “Finding Your Soul” (It May Be In Promotions, Social, Quarantined, Etc.)
Hi Soul Finders–a few weeks ago I moved to Substack at “Finding Your Soul.” If you are presently receiving email notifications when a new post goes up, you’re already receiving an email–now from Substack. Some people have said they’re not receiving the new emails from Substack. If that’s you and you want to keep getting…
Look For Substack In Your Inbox
Dear Soul Finders— As I’ve noted the last few weeks, I am moving my blog to Substack. The new post will come from Substack and will look different, but it’s still the same Finding Your Soul. You don’t need to do anything to keep receiving email notifications of each new post. Just look for Substack…
The Peace of Wild Children
On Sunday afternoon I sat on a park bench and watched my granddaughter on the swings. My son-in-law was pushing her, doing “underdogs.” I was worried about many things in this world, and yet something here was lightening my soul. Next to Novalie in the baby swing was a toddler being pushed by his father.…
Anxious About All The Chaos? Here’s Hope.
A week ago, someone sent me this cartoon. A few days later we had dinner with our neighbors, one of whom is a therapist. She sat down—gladly taking the Manhattan I offered—with a deep sigh. She had seen clients all day, and she was depleted. “People are just deeply anxious,” she said. “It’s fall, and…
One True Call . . . And A Diamond Ring
On Sunday I was privileged to be back preaching at my former parish, Trinity Church in Solebury, PA. The gospel for the day was the story of “The Rich Young Ruler” who comes to Jesus seeking eternal life. You know this one. Jesus says, Go sell all your possessions, give the money to the poor,…
Where Is Joy Born? You Might Be Surprised
Sometimes it seems that everyone we know is struggling. Right now, many people in my life are undergoing suffering, and I’m especially attuned to it because in the past year I’ve dealt with periods of frightful anxiety and then dips of depression. So now, when I am listening to other people’s pain, I am drawing…
There’s No Bouncer At The Gate Of Heaven
I’m sitting in church on Sunday, listening to a familiar gospel. The disciples have caught someone casting out demons, and, like good schoolboys, they report to the teacher that they “forbade” the man “because he was not following us.” Jesus wants none of it. He tells the boys to lay off the poor guy, who…
The Weapons of Love
I recently parked my car in New York and came back to find a leaflet jammed into my door handle. I looked down the street; every car had been hit. I saw a picture of the pope and figured it was just an overeager Catholic blanketing the neighborhood with tracts. Opening it, I found otherwise.…